Photography Evaluation

Did your project work as planned?

Yes and no.

No because I had so much bad luck in taking the pictures and the amount of time it took me to get used to working the camera also made it less time to take the pictures. Weather was not great and also getting time with the correct cameras was a problem.

Yes because I got all  the images I wanted and I think they came out pretty well.  I tried to use leading lines as well as depth of field which in some of them is not as developed as planned which is a shame but I think you can still tell a little bit that it is there.

Could it be improved?

Yes it could be, I am a perfectionist and I think a work like this is never finished. I could have used different shots, more personal, and less static shots. I also could have used models to make the photos stand out a bit more, get a bit of emotion in to them.
What were the main problems and how did you try to overcome them??

Camera time was the main problem, when ever I tried to get the best cameras out they were taken out by photography students so we were left with the powershots, this lead to hours of fiddling around getting the settings exactly how you wanted and then the shot would be ruined by lack of light, when if it had been good straight away  I would have got the shot.
How could your work be developed further?

I could maybe do more of a dead on comparison, find loads of similar objects to photograph and then set them side by side, this would lead the people to be able to see straight which was the better place to be or I could maybe add a village aswell and scale it that way, Village – Town – City. This would be good way too look at all ways of life in Britain.

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